Green Heat Seasoning Blend

Want some punch to your otherwise bland dishes that just need a little extra something? My Green Heat seasoning blend is just the thing you need.

This seasoning is great for things like potatoes that are good on their own, but just need a little something extra. I suggest making a batch of this and keeping it on hand at all times.

Why Use Freeze Dried Seasonings?

You could use just regular dried seasonings for this recipe, but the fact of it is that freeze dried herbs retain a lot more of their flavor than their traditionally heat dried relatives. Freeze drying preserves the flavors better and will give you a much better tasting seasoning. You can cheap out and get the standard herbs, but I don’t suggest it.

Use Good Salt For The Best Results

If you look at the resource links below, the salt link will take you to the Redmond salt’s listing for Kosher salt. You may think that all salt is the same, but it is not. Redmond salt is mined here in the USA, Unlike other sea salts, Real Salt is never heat processed, never stripped of its natural components, and contains no additives. Many salts contain anti-caking agents and even dextrose, but we bring it to you the way nature created it, with nothing more and nothing less. Real Salt by Redmond is an unrefined ancient salt with a full complement of good for you trace minerals.

Green Heat Seasoning Blend

Introducing the Green Heat Seasoning Blend, a vibrant seasoning blend combining freeze-dried chives, shallots, whole green peppercorns, minced garlic, green chile flakes, and kosher salt. Perfect for adding a fresh, savory kick to any dish, this mix brings together the best of green herbs and spices. Elevate your cooking with the unique and zesty flavors of my Green Heat Seasoning Blend!
Course Seasonings
Keyword Seasoning
Prep Time 5 minutes


  • Herb Grinder


  • 2 parts freeze dried chives
  • 2 parts freeze dried shallots
  • 2 parts whole green peppercorns
  • 1 parts dried minced garlic
  • 1 parts green chile flake
  • 1 parts kosher salt


  • In your mortar and pestle or spice grinder, start by grinding the garlic and peppercorns.
  • Once they are broken down a little, add in the rest of the seasonings and grind to the desired consistency.
  • Mix with your salt and store in an air-tight shaker bottle.


Resource Links:

Empty Shaker Bottles:
Mortar and pestle:
Freeze Dried Chives:
Freeze Dried Shallots:
Whole Green Peppercorns:
Dried Minced Garlic:
Green Chili Flakes:
Kosher Salt:

Resource Links

If you don’t have some of the ingredients or tools for making this seasoning blend, here are some links for where you can get them. Yes they are affiliate links, but that is what helps keep this site going, and I thank you for your support!